Liturgy Ministry
We need the help of many dedicated volunteers in order to conduct a meaningful and holy liturgy each Sunday at Mass. We need your help! If you would like to help out at Mass as a reader, altar server, minister of communion, or even help as a wedding assistant – please register below.
To register for a ministry at St Xavier
You can find descriptions of our Liturgy Ministries below.
Altar Servers
Our Altar Attendants serve at the weekend Masses and on special occasions such as weddings and funerals. Both youth and adults may request training for this ministry. Youth must be in the 4th grade or older. Please watch this TUTORIAL VIDEO for more instructions about this ministry.
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion
These volunteer ministers assist in distributing Holy Communion with reverence and dignity at liturgical celebrations and to those who are ill or permanently or temporarily homebound. Training is provided and required. Please watch this TUTORIAL VIDEO for more instructions about this ministry.
Responsible for preparing themselves to proclaim the Sacred Scriptures at Mass, these people discern their talent of public speaking and constantly work to improve their abilities so that all may hear and understand the Word proclaimed. Training is provided and required. Please watch this TUTORIAL VIDEO for more instructions about this ministry.
Ushers/Ministry of Hospitality
These parishioners provide an atmosphere of welcome and worship for the parish community and visitors at weekend Masses. They facilitate good order in the liturgy, look after the collection, direct the procession for reception of Holy Communion, distribute the parish bulletin, and generally provide a hospitable atmosphere for the assembly. Good people skills are required and training is provided.
Wedding Sacristans
These very important people assist wedding couples at their (Friday) rehearsal and at the (Saturday) wedding itself. They help to organize and facilitate the couple, the wedding attendants, parents and guests during the wedding celebrations whether it is during Mass or Outside of Mass. They assist the officiant, especially guest clergy, in setting up and making sure that everything goes smoothly before, during and after the liturgy. Training and shadowing required. A stipend may be offered to those who participate in this ministry.
For more details about scheduling and for a copy of our training manuals, visit: