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Jesuit Vocations

Entering the Society of Jesus, whether as a brother or a priest, is a multi-year process full of genuine discernment and scrutiny; no one becomes a Jesuit by accident or by impulse! If your call is premature or not genuine, you will know it in the first few weeks. If you don’t know it, those around you will. Of course, God may step in with some direction for you at any time as well!

The first period of discernment is largely self-directed and casual, beginning with a conversation with a Jesuit priest or brother. The candidate is encouraged to reflect carefully on the authenticity of his calling as he participates in experiences designed to offer a taste of Jesuit life and ministry.

At this stage, applications can be made for the two-year Jesuit Novitiate program. As a novice, you will learn about the Jesuits through living in religious community, prayer, retreat, and study about the Society of Jesus. The novice is challenged to greater freedom and availability in service and greater self-awareness.

At the end of the two-years, novices may profess their Perpetual Vows in the Society of Jesus, beginning their years (usually 8 to 12 years) of study and ministry preceding final vows as a Jesuit and towards ordination to the priesthood, if that is their calling.

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