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No, we use low-gluten hosts. As with all of the Sacraments, the Eucharist was instituted by Christ for the building up of the Church. When the Eucharist was established, wheat bread and wine made from grapes were the “materials” used. As a result, we continue to consecrate only these types of matter. Our hosts are approved for consumption by the USCCB for consumption during Mass. In fact, our special hosts are so low in gluten, someone with Celiac Sprue Disease would need to consume 270 wafers to reach the point of an allergic reaction. If you need a low-gluten host when attending Mass, do not hesitate to ask a sacristan before Mass.
The material of vessels is chosen based on several criteria related to what is practical and what is most valuable to us.
First, does the material in some way reveal the value of what it holds? That is, precious metals tend to be important to people, and since the body and blood of Christ are the most precious substance in existence, the vessels that hold them should be of great value. In some cultures, gold and silver are used to hold the sacred species. In the United States, some dioceses receive permission to use ceramic and wood because those materials are considered to be of high value to the residents and are durable. (CCC 327)
A second consideration is that the material must not easily break or corrode. Precious metals, again, are often used for this reason. Their durability and diminished likelihood of transmitting bacteria helps explain why they are preferred over wood or ceramic. Ultimately, the use of something like Crystal is prohibited because of how fragile it is.
The Church still uses leavened bread in the Eastern Rites, as was the ancient custom throughout the world. Leavened bread was often used with the symbolic understanding that Jesus, himself, is risen. He also uses leaven to talk about the presence of the Spirit in the world, and how a little faith leavens the entire batch. In the West, however, the practice changed as our understanding of the sacredness of the sacramental presence developed.
The Western Church changed to unleavened bread in the 7th century because of the realization that, as Jesus is mingled with the Eucharistic species (the bread), oftentimes there would be fragments and crumbs left over. These fragments could be lost and trampled under foot, which was a sign of disrespect. Alternately, leavened bread went bad more quickly, meaning that it was difficult to keep the Eucharist in repose or in reserve. This was especially difficult in areas where there was limited access to priests and therefore the sacrament.
Thus, the Western Church began to use unleavened bread as a way of not losing track of fragments of the Eucharist and allowing it to be held in reserve for longer periods of time.
Some parishes choose to use red wine because it is a clearer symbolic representation of the blood of Christ. The symbolic element of the wine, however, is not to be confused with the real presence of Christ in the sacrament. While the wine retains its external properties, its essence is transformed. What is essential, then, is not the color of the wine, but the reality of Christ that becomes present through it.
The Eucharist comes to us in two forms: the Body and the Blood. The Body and the Blood were separated by death. By placing a particle in the chalice, it represents the reunion of his Body and Blood in the Resurrection. In the chalice is the commingling of the physical elements of Christ Jesus risen and present in our midst. When the priest adds the particle to the chalice he quietly prays the following prayer: “May this mingling of the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ bring eternal life to us who receive it.” Learn more.